Dubai, United Arab Emirates
In an age where concerns about the quality of our food and water are growing, its time to consider your choices.
The accumulation of contaminants in food and water, pose significant risks to your health and wellbeing, and in this podcast, I explore these challenges and propose that there could be an alternative and somewhat controversial path to nourishing yourself beyond the superficial pleasures of excess.
In this podcast I will sharing some the magnificent feats that many Masters, Gurus and Superhumans have demonstrated over the ages, and that I believe are your true human heritage.
In this episode you will get to explore the liminal spaces between dreams, achievements, and the next horizon. I’m diving into a feeling that many experience and rarely talk about—the now what?'
moment after reaching a long sought-after goal.
Beyond Hydration: Understanding the Detoxification Power of Dry Fasting
Water is often cited as the elixir of life; after all, it’s essential for our survival. Right now though, the purity of our drinking water is increasingly under threat as contaminants infiltrate both tap and bottled water sources. Alarmingly, some of these contaminants have the potential to damage your genetic blueprint, your DNA.
What if there was a way to release your very own living water directly from your cells?
With detoxification becoming a necessity due to modern life’s toxicity, intermittent fasting and detox programs are growing in popularity. In this episode, I’m going to share with you the benefits of a different method of fasting that you may not have heard of or experienced yet, and it has incredible benefits in terms of rejuvenation and releasing your very own living water from your cells!
Intelligence isn’t just about your mind. It’s the ability to reason, learn, understand, and solve problems—but your body plays a crucial role too. By engaging both your mind and body, you can unlock a deeper, more holistic form of intelligence that enhances your overall potential.
How Flexible Are You?
Flexibility isn’t just a physical trait—it’s a key to unlocking more choices and opportunities in every area of your life. Remember, the more flexible you are, the greater your ability to adapt and thrive!
Once you realize you’re creating your life as you go along, it gives you the power to change. Then you can choose to pay…
Remember, your outer world is a reflection of your thoughts, feelings, energy, vibration and the frequency that you emit into…
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates